a skull skullet with a skull on it
a skull skullet with a skull on it

Predict the future by creating it

Curbing global temperature rise to 1.5°C by 2050 will take commitment, partnership and tonnes of carbon removal. ECSSRG is monitoring closely to develop practical pathways to decarbonization.

ECSWSRG implemented actions in the fight against global warming:

  • Measure and analyze greenhouse gas emissions.

The first step for any company that wants to reduce its impact on the planet and the environment, and therefore help to reduce climate change, is to measure its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). For this end, ECSSRG is committed to the net zero green gas emissions and can help companies measure their CO2 emissions.

  • Reducing energy consumption.

By paying more attention to other daily routine actions, businesses can slightly reduce their energy consumption and, thus, their impact on the climate. ECSSRG supports climate change environment eco-friendly.

  • Give renewable energies a go.

  • Reduce waste and fight obsolescence.

Another way to reduce the climate footprint of a business is to reduce the amount of waste generated. Whether it is the industrial waste of a large company or the paper waste of a SME of the tertiary sector, all companies produce waste. ECSSRG is committed to adopting an eco-entrepreneur mindset.

  • Optimize employees’ transportation.

As we know, transportation is one of the largest sectors of greenhouse gas emissions. By encouraging employees to take public transit, to carpool with other colleagues living close by or by giving them discounts on public transportation, companies can significantly reduce their indirect CO2 emissions and therefore their impact on climate change.

  • Choose greener infrastructures and equipment.

It is also possible to choose more environmentally friendly infrastructures and equipment. In this way, ECSSRG can set up a fleet of hybrid or even electric vehicles according to the latest environmental standards.

  • Choose sustainable suppliers.

Each company also has a responsibility regarding the partners it chooses. Choosing a supplier is also an environmentally friendly choice.

  • Raise awareness among employees, clients and other stakeholders.

Organizing in-house contests, hackathons or campaigns to raise and improve awareness on sustainability issues is a great idea. ECSSRG believes that these small gestures gradually create the ground for best practices that individuals then reproduce at home and transmit to their friends.

  • Promote environmentally friendly ways of working.

Companies that want to fight climate change must be militant. By pushing politicians and public actors to act on global warming, they can have a huge influence. If companies are active, this can lead to new environmental regulations that can have a significant impact on global warming.